Friday, August 20, 2010

More Pre-Departure Pondering

I've been rushing to get lots of things done before I leave, and I never seem to have enough time to do it all. I want to visit as many friends as I can, spend more time with Jay than humanly possible to attain in such a short time, and finish my sewing projects. Not to mention family that wants to see me. My family is pretty mad at me for lots of silly reasons, but they are planning a party so I hope they won't be mad forever. I'm going to miss so many people and so many things. Jay got me a teddy bear to keep me company while we are apart. I'm rushing to finish his blanket so that he has something warm to sleep with. I have to call up my grandparents and get their addresses so that I can write them because they are too old fashioned to have computers. I have yet to start packing anything and I leave in less than two weeks. I'm starting to get really frustrated over a lot of things that I shouldn't be frustrated about because I'm scared of my looming adventure. I fell last week and hurt myself with the impact. That makes moving around hard for me. My back is really sore and so is my right arm. It makes lifting anything of appreciable weight difficult. Strange as  it may seem, I feel like a need a vacation before I go on this trip. I have so many things I need to do before I go: calling business, banks, family, and friends; getting my computer cleaned and reloaded; remembering to stop and breathe so that I won't become so stressed out that I lose the ability to focus. The list goes on and on and on. :/ 

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